Saturday, February 26, 2011

Not Going Well

So, I have begun my first attempt at the meandering quit stitch.  I really like doing curly cues, but Courtney really wants the meandering stitch for her thank you quilt and I have been putting it long enough.  I studied photos of the stitch, read a little bit about how to do it, but in actuality, it's not going so well.  My hope is that it'll start getting better the more I do it (it's a huge quilt, so I definitely have learning time!) and that when I wash it the stitching won't be so noticeable...  After this quilt, I may stick to curly cues...
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Super Secret Project

So, I'd love to post photos of the project I'm working on now, but I can't:  I'm making something for my mom for her Birthday.  I won't be giving it to her until early April, but I decided to make a couple practice versions of what I am making her due to the fact that often the first time I do something it's a little wonky.

If all goes well, I have enough materials to make 5 of them, so that means that I'll have at least 3 up on Etsy.  I won't post them until I head out to Disney World though (where I'll be meeting my parents and giving my mom her gift), so stay tuned...

Here's a little off-topic-ish photo so you don't feel too cheated... my adorable, mischievous cat interrupting a quilt photo shoot.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Can't Move

Sorry for the absence in posting recently.  I started seeing a personal trainer three times a week and I don't know if you know what happens to your body when you go from basically sitting most of the day (throwing in a 30 minute or so walk) to doing at an hour of hard core cardio and training 5 days a week, but let me assure you, it makes you feel OLD.  So, basically, I pump my self up in the morning, drag myself to the gym, and then spend the rest of the day trying to get off of the couch.  The idea of working on a project that requires me to keep standing and sitting pretty much seems impossible right now.  (Going from standing to sitting is the worst.)

I have taken this opportunity to catch up on some much needed movie watching, some of which were excellent- The King's Speech (best movie of the year, hands down), Tangled (great for both kids and adults- I cried), and The Social Network (two thumbs up).

The only photo I can post is of a quilt I finished before Trainer Rob started torturing me (although I should mention that he is very positive and motivating).  He's giving me the weekend off (thank God), so hopefully I'll recover enough to get some good work done before it all starts again next week.  This little quilt is up on Etsy.  Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Every Little Step

One of my creations on Etsy is featured on a blog!
Friday, February 4, 2011

Baby Quilt Extravaganza

Sorry for the long break in the posts reader(s), I went to DC last weekend to celebrate a friend's 30th Birthday (these 30th Birthdays are going to be the end of me!) and while I was there I got to talk to some friends that I rarely see.  About 4 of them mentioned that they are in the market for baby quilts because of friends who are pregnant (it's an epidemic), so I put the pot holders and ipod cases on hold and decided to finish some of the baby quilts I've had in process for months and months.

I finished this cute little wonky cut one for a little girl and I have a super fun unisex cowboy/girl one almost done (just need to finish the binding).  Haven't decided what I'm going to do next, but I guess I probably should keep working on my Brown Bag Quilt!