Friday, September 24, 2010

Brown Bag Quilt

So, I'm doing my first interactive quilt (I'm not sure interactive is the right word...), but I've sent a little box of fabric off and have received a box for the Brown Bag Quilt Contest.  I wasn't sure that I would get it in time before I head to the O-H, so I had it sent to my parents' house.  My mom opened the package, and I'm really excited to get my hands on it and come up with a concept.

Here's what I sent out, some of it was in the stash that Em gave me when she cleaned out her old sewing room (now baby room) and some was from the infamous box of fabric my mom sent me.  I think it could make something fun, I hope my Brown Bag partner enjoys it.

I haven't been writing too much lately because I've been super busy.  I had an entire play to design (I have all the rough sketches done and approved!) and now I'm cleaning out my apartment.  Which doesn't seem time consuming until I tell you that one of my closets looked like it could have been on an episode of Hoarders.  It is fully functioning now.  (Not to mention that it's TV premiere week, so I've had a lot of watching/writing to do for my other blog.  ha!)  I hope to work on my t-shirt quilt a little bit before I head out next weekend, but I'm not confident that will happen.  I am bringing a lot of quilting stuff with me, so I will continue to quilt during my Ohio excursion.


dq said...

Nice, "ugly" fabrics. I honestly like them and hope your partner does.

I'm so anxious to get a partner.

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