Last weekend I was in Ohio for a wedding and my mother was nice enough to drive two hours to have lunch with me. In her trunk were two huge boxes she found in the attic- one was labeled "Fabric/Batting" and other, unlabeled. She told me to look through them and decide if I wanted them or if she should get rid of them. Talk about a find! There was a huge box of fabric from when I first started sewing in college. Back then I was obsessed with making pajama pants for anyone who wanted a pair and tiny clothes for my cement goose, Ferdinand. In the boxes were yards and yards of silly cotton fabric, some cut in the shape of pajama pants that were never finished, there were bandannas from our late dog Lily, vintage hats I purchased at a theatre sale, some disgusting poly batting from my pillow making days, and some super weird fabric from a play I designed years ago. There was too much stuff to travel back with me, so my mom generously offered to mail me a box of fabric. It was supposed to arrive Wednesday (I've been going crazy waiting for it to arrive), but guess what came in the mail today?! Yay! Most of the fabric is very novelty and will be used for kids quilts for
Project Linus.
Today also marked my first time I attempted to quilt on a machine and not by tying little embroidery floss or yarn at the corner of each box. It wasn't a
completely botched attempt, but I ran into some difficulties. (I should mention, I do not have a walking foot.)
Here's what I learned:
- Machine quilting is much harder than the YouTube video I watched made it look.
- Spray adhesive may be the best invention of all time.
- I need a lot more practice at this!
Once the quilt is done, I'll post a photo of it. It's for Project Linus and is made mostly out of left over fabric from
the baby blanket I made for Danielle, along with some striped and solid fabrics I had lying around. I'm a bit discouraged by the setback, but I keep reminding myself- everything is a learning experience!
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