Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My Famous Pot Holders
I made three, count them three sales yesterday! Two of them were to the same person- two pairs of pot holders she wants to use on a show on Food Network called Dessert First that will air in the spring. Pretty cool, eh?
For Sale

Monday, January 24, 2011
I Get It . . .
... Cash wants to be a quilter!
I've been trying to pump up my Etsy site. There's some new stuff on there and quite a few projects in progress. Stop by my shop and see what I've been up to:
For Sale,
My Favorite Helper

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Baby Joseph Quilt
Some one saw that we had a quilt on the floor- little rascal :)
I need some better lighting. I don't really have the possibility in my apartment due to the lack of sunlight I get. If it was the spring time, I'd head down the street to Central Park, but in this weather it would just ruin it... bummer.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Your Sneak Peek
Thanks for the nice man at the hardware store, I was able to finish the Joseph Baby Quilt! It needs some snips here and there and still needs to be washed, but here's you're sneak peek:
Baby Blankets,
Finished Quilts,
For Friends

An Other Set Back
Ugh, the universe does not want me to finish this quilt... Since Cash felt the need to sleep on the quilt all weekend, I decided to put the regular foot back on the machine and start to piece an other quilt while he slept (because he is the most spoiled cat in the world...).
Yesterday evening I decided to go ahead and put the free motion foot back onto the machine and I some how have stripped the screw and, while it'll keep the regular foot in place, it cannot hold the free motion foot. Looks like I'm making a trip to the hardware store today. Let's hope that can help me out...
Yesterday evening I decided to go ahead and put the free motion foot back onto the machine and I some how have stripped the screw and, while it'll keep the regular foot in place, it cannot hold the free motion foot. Looks like I'm making a trip to the hardware store today. Let's hope that can help me out...
Monday, January 17, 2011
My Not So Helpful Helper
My favorite helper is not being so helpful these days- he's in love with the Joseph Baby Quilt (and our new furniture arrangement) and he will not get off this quilt. I haven't made a lot of headway this weekend to say the least...
My Favorite Helper

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Dirty Thirty Quilt
Today is Cristina's 30th Birthday. She is one of my closest friend and she, unlike me, is not too excited to hit the big 3-0 and she, unlike me, is celebrating in a nice normal fashion- dinner with her boyfriend and then a party at a bar. Since we aren't going crazy with the celebrating, I decided that I needed to do something special for her for her birthday (especially since she will be traveling for mine). I had put a nice little gift bag together for her when on Tuesday she let it slip that she'd love to have a quilt to use while watching TV if I ever felt like making one for her. I also had plans to maybe see her on Thursday- Make an entire quilt in less than 48 hours? Challenge excepted.
Who would have thought that I'd actually be able to pull it off?! 30 hours after I began the quilt, it was finished. (Sleep and human interaction is highly overrated anyway...) I have been thinking recently that I wanted to do more work with hexagons, because apparently I love them. I also love a quilt that is in Elizabeth Hartman's book that is a white quilt that looks like it has peddles tossed all over it. I decided to try to combine the idea and attempt to make a quilt that looked like there were hexagons sprinkled over the quilt. For the most part, I think that I succeeded (especially since I patterned it myself- a first for me!). Here is my wonky inspiration drawing and my notes that I used during the process. Not a lot to work from, I know.
Also, since I had such a short amount of time to complete it, that I needed to only use what I had. Thankfully, I'm pretty familiar with Cristina's aesthetic, so I just went through my stash, picked out stuff I knew she'd like, and cut hexagons using the hexagon template from Fresh Quilts. The rest of it, I totally winged. I played with the hexagon template and took all kinds of measurements. Over all, I'm happy with the pattern (which will, forever be referred to as the Dirty Thirty Quilt), I think there is a little too much white, I think that it suggests what I was going for. I might actually write up a little tutorial of this later if I'm feeling ambitious. The back of the quilt is a few different vintagey fabrics that go pretty well together and the binding is actually from a top sheet that I no longer have the mate for...
Who would have thought that I'd actually be able to pull it off?! 30 hours after I began the quilt, it was finished. (Sleep and human interaction is highly overrated anyway...) I have been thinking recently that I wanted to do more work with hexagons, because apparently I love them. I also love a quilt that is in Elizabeth Hartman's book that is a white quilt that looks like it has peddles tossed all over it. I decided to try to combine the idea and attempt to make a quilt that looked like there were hexagons sprinkled over the quilt. For the most part, I think that I succeeded (especially since I patterned it myself- a first for me!). Here is my wonky inspiration drawing and my notes that I used during the process. Not a lot to work from, I know.

And now, a word (or a few) about free motion quilting. This was my first attempt. At first, I HATED it. It was really loud (I thought my neighbors might complain) and really hard to control, the stitch lengths were crazy different, and I broke 5 needles. And then, like magic, the foot broke. No, seriously, this medal bar thingie snapped right off, and it was like magic. Suddenly, it was quiet and controllable and faster (and no more broken needles!). Maybe they sold me the wrong foot. Whatever it was, now it's good, so I'm okay with it. I did sort of curly cues mixed with circles- I wanted it to basically look like I had doodled on it (I even threw in a "Hidden Mickey" for good measure). For a first outing, I think it went pretty well.
Cash insists on immediately running up and lying on any quilt (or fabric) that I put on the ground- especially when I want to take photos.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
My aunt, who also shares the same middle name as I do, sent me this wonderful photo of Greye making an American Flag during WWII in New Hampshire.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
This is Awesome
I saw Rachel today unexpectedly. Had I known 24 hours before hand, I would have tried to finish this sucker, but now I won't rush it. It'll be done in plenty of time for the shower.
And Cash likes it too :)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Hell Yeah!
Excuse my language, but this is exciting! I had made great stride in not only Rachel's baby quilt, but at being a quilter in general.
First, I finished cutting all 108 stash patterned pieces:
First, I finished cutting all 108 stash patterned pieces:
Instead of then cutting all of the off white fabric, I decided to cut about 15 or so and see if I was actually capable of putting one of these, uh, let's call them 'blocks' together. It turns out, hell yes I am! I mean, seriously, this is hard stuff and I actually managed to put it together without it looking terrible.
Sure, this kid may have a doctorate by the time I finish this quilt, but I actually feel like I'm off to a very good start and am excited to continue. The baby shower is in March... I better get moving!!
For Friends,
Stash Projects,
Work In Progress

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Once Upon a Time...
I think I've let it slip a couple of times on blog that I'm a Disney fan, but that's not completely accurate. I'm a Disney fanatic. Okay okay, I guess "obsession" is a better word when describing how I feel about Disney. In fact, for my 30th Birthday I will be traveling to Disney World with a handful of friends and my parents. And, since I'm a Disney pro, I go all out- I've replaced a zipper of a Figment backpack from my childhood and then decided that I need a Disney themed wallet for the trip. Why buy when you can make? So, I grabbed the book Easy Japanese Quilt Style (a Christmas gift from my friends Shelagh and Doug) and loosely went off a pattern for wallets- I made two: Disney 'Once Upon a Time' themed, and one from the left over fabric from Courtney's Thank You quilt.
The thing that I really loved about this project is, now that I know the basic way to put a wallet together, I feel like I could make my own pattern and make it more functional and a better size. If I do, I am going to attempt to write my own pattern. Hopefully I will be more clear enough for people to understand me. This project also made me really appreciate Elizabeth Hartman. Her instructions are so clear and easy to follow. I hope she writes a million more books!
I can't wait to get to Disney World, so I can use this little guy!
For Friends,
Stash Projects

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I Must Be Crazy
My childhood best friend's sister Rachel, and her husband Ami, are expecting their first child about a month after my 30th Birthday. Of course I'm making them a baby blanket, but decided that instead of doing the simple little ones I normally do, I'd do something creative, fun, modern, gender neutral, detailed, and stash busting and, evidently, super hard!
I'm not sure what possessed me to think that my skill level is up for this adorable pattern from Fresh Quilts, but I'm determined to do my best! I've begun cutting the 100s of pieces that will go into this quilt- it is, by far, the most detailed I have ever attempted- in piecing as well as in quilting.
The cutting of the cute pieces of fabric has been a lot of fun. The center pieces are an Olivia fabric I picked up at Fabric Shack. The rest of the pieces are from my stash or fat quarters I just picked up while on my "vacation" in Ohio. I have also ordered some off white fabric for the back ground and some fun dots for the back and binding. Just cutting this is going to take forever and I have actually lay awake in bed thinking about how to actually piece this together, but I am determined. You will all be impressed if this is ever when this is done. Impressed. It'll be all worth it.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Thank You Quilt Top
The top minus the sashing
For Friends,
Work In Progress

Thank You Quilts

For Friends,
Work In Progress

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Brown Bag Quilt
So, I don't know if I've mentioned this on my blog yet, but I have the best brown bag quilt partner, Leona over at Leona's Quilting Adventure. Not only did she send me some lovely fabric when the contest started, but she also sent me a bonus holiday fat quarter that's part of the collection she originally sent me!
I am going to pair it with some solid light blue fabric that I have. I'm not as happy with this pairing as I'd like to be, but seeing as I've only see quilting for 6 months or so, I don't have quite the stash I would like to have for projects like this. A few more trips to Fabric Shack and I'm sure I'll catch up!
My goal is to finish piecing all of the blocks this week, so stay tuned for progress.
And on a side note, since it's the last week of regular season NFL football, I just wanted to say that there is nothing that I love to do more on a Sunday than spend the day quilting while watching football. I'm going to miss this when the season is over...
And on a side note, since it's the last week of regular season NFL football, I just wanted to say that there is nothing that I love to do more on a Sunday than spend the day quilting while watching football. I'm going to miss this when the season is over...
Stash Projects,
Work In Progress

Saturday, January 1, 2011
New Year, New Projects, New Look
With the new year, comes a whole new list of projects to dive into. (And a new look for blog!) Here are the projects that I have to complete before I turn 30 that I will blog about...
1. Rachel's Baby Blanket
2. Brown Bag Quilt
3. Courtney's "thank you" Quilt
4. 1-3 Custom Ordered T-Shirt Quilt(s)
5. Disney Themed surprises for my crew on my Birthday trip
6. Various Pot Holders by request and also just to put on Etsy
I have a Bengal's quilt on my year to-do, but I certainly don't anticipate that happening soon.
Looks like I'm gonna be super busy until April!
1. Rachel's Baby Blanket
2. Brown Bag Quilt
3. Courtney's "thank you" Quilt
4. 1-3 Custom Ordered T-Shirt Quilt(s)
5. Disney Themed surprises for my crew on my Birthday trip
6. Various Pot Holders by request and also just to put on Etsy
I have a Bengal's quilt on my year to-do, but I certainly don't anticipate that happening soon.
Looks like I'm gonna be super busy until April!
New Projects

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