If you can remember back to the fall, you'll remember that I was in Ohio for about 2 months designing a play. I was there for a week with no car (because why would I own a car, being a NYC resident?). If you've ever been in Central Ohio without a car, you know how hard it is! Thankfully, I have some very wonderful cousins who picked me up (a half hour out of their way) and drove me around, helped clean up the apartment I was put in, and drove me all the way to Cincinnati to get a car- needless to say, I'm not sure how I could have made it there without them. As a thank you, they are each getting a quilt since they were both in the market and couldn't find any that they liked/could afford. While I'm still waiting for Caitlin to tell me what she wants, I have been getting a lot of work done on Courtney's recently.

She found a quilt in a magazine that she really wanted and I did a little research and found the pattern online (above). It's made with a jelly roll, which I've never worked with before. To be honest, I'm sorta hating it. There are lots of long straight lines, etc. While I guess having the fabric pre-cut into strips is very convenient, it sort of feels like it takes the creativity out of making a quilt. I've worked with patterns before, but you still get to pick off of your own fabric, etc which makes it feel like your own. And, while we picked a jelly roll that is different than the one they suggest, it still feels more like work than like creating. I hope that this changes once it's pieced together a little more.
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