Friday, July 23, 2010

A Trip to the 'Burbs

Today I head to New Haven to give Jess and Nate the baby blanket for Baby Rapsberry.  While I'm up there Jess and I are going to swing by trusty old Joann's to pick up some fabric.  Yes, I'm aware that most of the fabric at Joann's is crap not the best, but I need some solids and I also need some baby patterns for Project Linus and, let's face it, Joann's is cheap (on a side note, I did find some Alexander Henry fabric there on my last trip, so it's not like everything there is no good).  I'll show you guys my finds (or lack there of) when I get back.

In the mean time, Jess, Nate, and Baby Rapsberry's blanket (excuse the poor iPhone photos):


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